Results of a student scientific group for “Training and Research in Vital Support for Emergencies and Disasters”
research groups, research projects, undergraduate medical education, medical education, research, Cuba.Abstract
Introduction: The development of student scientific groups in universities is a need in terms of new knowledge and a more comprehensive training.
Objective: To describe the main results of a student scientific group for training and research in vital support for emergencies and disasters in its first three years of work.
Methods: Descriptive and prospective research carried out at the University of Medical Sciences of Cienfuegos between 2017 and 2019. The universe consisted of all students (25) and tutor teachers (6) who were part of the group. Documental review, brainstorming and focus group were used as techniques.
Results: The annual research training plan was differentiated by academic year and needs. Complex topics on research methodology and others related to the major were taught in stages. In each year, the proposed tasks were completed. The students developed 29 research projects (13.8% were published and 48.3% received awards), presented during three student scientific meetings and twelve other events. Scientific production grew progressively both in quantity and quality.
Conclusions: The results of the student scientific group are positive. The design of an extracurricular, modular and collective participation training program on research methodology and medical topics related to the tutors' project facilitated the acquisition of students' research skills and the achievement of good indicators of scientific activity, with the exception of the number of publications.
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