A scale for the teaching-learning environment of medical-surgical specialists in training



teaching, hospitals, environment, medical educations, educational assessment.


Introduction: The training of medical-surgical specialists (residents) takes place in hospitals where healthcare and teaching-learning activities converge. Knowledge about this dual setting is essential for identifying opportunities to optimize the quality and effectiveness of both activities.

Objective: To construct a scale for measuring the perception about the teaching-learning environment in the clinical practice of residents who receive training in Colombia.

Methods: A Likert-type scale was designed as an adapted form of the guide Developing Questionnaires for Educational Research, presented by the Association for Medical Education in Europe, with the following steps: literature review, review of Colombian regulations regarding university hospitals, synthesis of evidence, development of items, validation of appearance by experts, and questionnaire application to residents.

Results: A clinical practice environment scale was constructed on the basis of the educational theory of activity and learning situated in the workplace. Initially, 46 questions were defined and, after the validation of appearance, 39 items distributed in seven domains were created: academic processes, teaching processes, teaching-service agreements, welfare, academic infrastructure, care infrastructure, and management and organization. The application of this scale to residents showed no comprehension problems; therefore, it was not necessary to refine the number or content of the items.

Conclusions: The scale constructed has validity of appearance by expert peers and residents, which allows, in further stages, to carry out content validity and reproducibility.


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Author Biographies

Patricia González Triviño, Fundación Cardioinfantil-Instituto de Cardiología, Bogotá Colombia

Departamento de Educación Médica , Coordinación convenios docencia-servicio.

Nicolás Medina Silva, Universidad de La Sabana, Chía, Colombia.

Profesor, Maestría en Educación Médica, Facultad de Medicina; Estudiante, Doctorado en Educación, Facultad de Educación, Universidad de La Sabana, Chía, Colombia.

Iván Darío Moreno Acero, Universidad de La Sabana, Chía, Colombia.

Profesor, Instituto de la Familia, Universidad de La Sabana, Chía, Colombia.




How to Cite

González Triviño P, Medina Silva N, Moreno Acero ID. A scale for the teaching-learning environment of medical-surgical specialists in training. Educación Médica Superior [Internet]. 2022 May 31 [cited 2025 Mar. 9];36(2). Available from: https://ems.sld.cu/index.php/ems/article/view/2882



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