Specific competences of the specialist in family and community medicine to confront violent behavior
competences, prevention, identification, violence.Abstract
Introduction: Specific competences, also called technical or specialized, have to do with what is specific to certain occupations. They refer to those related to the disciplinary, training and expertise area of the participant. They are the particular basis of professional practice and are linked to specific performance conditions.
Objective: To determine the specific competences of the family and community medicine specialist to deal with violent behavior.
Methods: A descriptive and cross-sectional study was carried out during the first semester of 2020. A group work was developed with key informants who provided specialized care to victims of violent situations in the Community Center for Mental Health of Playa Municipality, Havana, Cuba. Different group techniques were applied, with a special interest in brainstorming and writing of ideas, which, together with the experience and knowledge of each participant, favored the achievement of the proposed objective.
Results: As the main theoretical contribution, a set of competences was determined that allowed the specialist in family and community medicine to face violent behaviors, oriented essentially to the prevention and early identification of this complex health concern.
Conclusions: It was pertinent to determine a system of competences, in terms of knowledge, skills and attitudes, that would allow the specialist in family and community medicine to face violent behavior; upon considering that assistance to victims would depend on the professionals’ ability to recognize, understand and respond to violent situations.
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