Some Didactic Characteristics of the Dentistry Major in Cuba



didactics, dentistry major, study plans, on-the-job education, didactic strategies.


Introduction: The teaching of dentistry is essential to improve the oral health of the population. However, the training of socially committed professionals and continuing education are currently faced challenges, achieved through innovative didactics, adapted to the needs of training in the dentistry major in Cuba.

Objective: To reflect on some characteristics of the didactics in the dentistry major.

Authors' position: The didactics of the major, at all levels of systematization of the teaching process, has characteristics that distinguish it from other professions, which is manifested, in particular, in on-the-job education. The study plans have evolved in correspondence with the specific historical context of each stage, which maintains their relevance. Plan E has 11 disciplines, among which the main integrating discipline accounts for 82.5 % of the hours dedicated to on-the-job education, carried out in the area of health, dental care services and hospitals, by using various forms of learning. In this context, teaching strategies take on particular characteristics, according to disciplines, subjects, topics and types of classes.

Conclusions: The fundamental characteristics of the didactics of the dentistry major were approached in a reflexive and analytical manner. The current pedagogical approach has very positive elements; however, there are challenges that require constant attention and adaptation.


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Author Biographies

María de la Caridad Barciela González Longoria, Facultad de Estomatología de la Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de La Habana

Dr. en Ciencias Estomatológicas. Especialista de segundo grado en Organizacion y Administracion de Salud y EGI. Profesora Titular. Master en Educacion Superior. Facultad de Estomatologia.

Ileana Bárbara Grau León, Facultad de Estomatología de la UCMH

Dr. en Ciencias Esomatológicas, profesora e investigadora titular,  especiaista de segundo grado en P´rotesis estomatológicas y EGI, Decana

Maribel de las Mercedes Bastarrechea MIlián, Facultad de Estomatología de la UCMH

Dr. en Ciencias Estomaotlógicas, profesora titular, especialista de segundo grado en EGI, Master en educación médica

Carmen Dolores Hernández Martínez, Facultad de Estomaotlogía de la UCMH

Profesora titular y consutante, master en Educación superior, jefa del deparamento docente metodológico de la facutad de Estomatología de la UCMH



How to Cite

Barciela González Longoria M de la C, Grau León IB, Bastarrechea MIlián M de las M, Hernández Martínez CD. Some Didactic Characteristics of the Dentistry Major in Cuba. Educación Médica Superior [Internet]. 2024 Oct. 29 [cited 2025 Mar. 14];38. Available from:



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