Gamification: a Didactic Strategy within the Teaching-Learning Process in Higher Medical Education
gamification, medical education, higher education.Abstract
Introduction: Gamification is an educational methodology that invites to consider convergence between games and learning as a space that provides additional learning. This study explores how gamification can impact both the motivation and performance of medical students and the quality of their professional training.
Objective: To analyze gamification as a didactic strategy in the teaching-learning process of higher medical education.
Development: Currently, the design and application of gamified products have had a significant impact on higher education. In the field of medical education, there is evidence to support gamification as a useful tool, even in the face of evaluation challenges and complexity in game design. Several studies indicate that the implementation of gamified experiences contributes to improving the academic performance of students and that it optimizes the teaching-learning process, with an impact on their motivation for learning.
Conclusions: Gamification goes beyond being a simple digital resource; this turns out to be an effective didactic strategy. Through digital games, collaborative activities and friendly competitions, students strengthen essential skills such as communication, teamwork and joint problem solving, considered fundamental competencies in medical education.
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