Educative software about some vector-borne diseases
vectors, educative software, communicable diseases.Abstract
Introduction: Vectors are living organisms that can transmit infectious pathogens between humans, or from animals to humans. Many of these vectors are hematophagous insects that ingest pathogenic microorganisms along with the blood of an infected carrier and subsequently transmit them to a new carrier, once the pathogen has replicated.
Objective: To design an educative software about vector-borne diseases, in order to increase the knowledge of students from the School of Nursing and Health Technology in Santiago de Cuba.
Methods: A technological development and innovation research was carried out with the CrheaSoft software, version 3.3.3. From a study universe of 327 students, a sample of 130 was selected by simple random sampling. The theoretical, analysis-synthesis, historical-logical and systemic-structural methods were used.
Results: The evaluations provided by professors and students were favorable, since the acquisition of new knowledge was facilitated and the existing knowledge was expanded, which demonstrates the usefulness and necessity of the product.
Conclusions: The software was suitable to be used in practice, according to the prevailing criteria provided by professors and students. It is a material for consultation and teaching support, which can be used by students of the majors for whom it has been designed and by the primary healthcare personnel.
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