A multimedia application for integrating traditional and natural medicine into Ophthalmology
education, medical education, multimedia, computer programs, traditional medicine.Abstract
Introduction: In the Cuban context, there are still deficiencies regarding the implementation of a curricular strategy for Traditional and Natural Medicine in clinical and surgical specialties such as Ophthalmology. These deficiencies can be solved, to a certain extent, through the use of information and communication technologies in university training processes.
Objective: To create an educational multimedia for Traditional and Natural Medicine and its use in conditions of ophthalmological training.
Methods: A technological development study was carried out, from February to May 2018, at Santiago de Cuba University of Medical Sciences. Theoretical and empirical methods were used. The multimedia was created using the Matchware Mediator 9.0 software. The product was validated using the Delphi method, and its effectiveness was verified with a sample of 210 students chosen in an intentional nonprobabilistic way by means of a questionnaire applied before and after using it.
Results:NaturOft was created, a multimedia made up of modules with thematic content, a glossary of terms, as well as image and video galleries. Both experts and users gave positive evaluations about the designed multimedia. Before using NaturOft, 59% of the students reflected a low level of knowledge, a relationship that was changed after its application, a moment when 75.7% reached a high level.
Conclusions: The multimedia created is a very useful tool in the teaching-educational process of Traditional and Natural Medicine and its relationship with Ophthalmology, managing to enhance the knowledge that students have about the subject.
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