The use of cinema as a learning strategy in public health



uses of epidemiology, public health, competence-based education, audiovisual resources, pandemics.


Introduction: Approach to epidemics/pandemics must be carried out from transversal teaching that involves complete thinking.

Objective: To assess different pedagogical tools for active meaningful learning in the classroom.

Methods: Case study (n=10), without a control group, carried out in the context of an international seminar. A survey of perceptions and beliefs during pandemics was used by means of the didactic strategy to observe, reflect and apply through cinema and other elements to support learning.

Results: The professors supported the use of cinema in the classroom during the methodological proposal, as well as the instruments used for learning and teaching dynamics in epidemiological situations. Likewise, there was an improvement of the pedagogical process, the analysis of phenomena from the local perspective, the ability to objectify situations that promote complex thinking, and the use of interdisciplinarity in the classroom.

Conclusions: The incorporation of the pandemic cinema genre, accompanied by the observation-relation-application strategy, the use of a perceptions and beliefs questionnaire, as well as other elements, improves the teaching-learning process, favors the approach to complex thinking problems, and improves empathy between professors and students in the classroom.


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Author Biographies

Rafael Tuesca-Molina, Universidad del Norte

Coordinador Academico Maestria en Salud Pública

Departamento de Salud Pública

Universidad del Norte

Nuria Rodríguez-Ávila, Universidad de Barcelona

Vicedegana de Relacions Externes, Compromís Social i Estudiants
 Área de conocimiento: Sociología



Grup d'Investigació Social Aplicada: Qualitat de vida, seguretat i ciutadania (GRISA)

Carolina Moreno-Castro, Universidad de Valencia

Catedrática de Periodismo y miembro del Instituto de Políticas de Bienestar Social (POLIBIENESTAR) de la Universitat de València. Asimismo, es miembro del consejo asesor del Centro de Estudios sobre Ciencia, Comunicación y Sociedad de la Universidad Pompeu Fabra (CCS-UPF), miembro de la junta directiva de la Asociación Española de Comunicación Científica (AECC), y miembro del Consejo Científico Asesor de la Fundación Gadea por la Ciencia. Comenzó su carrera investigadora en el Instituto de Estudios Sociales Avanzados (IESA) del Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC)



How to Cite

Tuesca-Molina R, Rodríguez-Ávila N, Moreno-Castro C. The use of cinema as a learning strategy in public health. Educación Médica Superior [Internet]. 2021 Aug. 2 [cited 2025 Mar. 14];35(3). Available from:



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