Continuous improvement and physician formation in Manuel Fajardo School of Medical Sciences of Havana
institutional self-assessment, continuous improvement, quality of medical care.Abstract
Introduction: The continuous improvement process is nowadays the cornerstone of efforts made to manage quality in the training of professionals.
Objective: To assess the current state of Manuel Fajardo School of Medical Sciences regarding the development of the self-evaluation process in the medical major for the purpose of continuous improvement.
Methods: The study group consisted of 57 professors and 143 students from first to sixth academic years, in the period from January to March 2020. A sample stratified by cluster was selected for the students; while, for teachers, the sample was chosen by simple stratification. In addition, an observational, descriptive and cross-sectional research was carried out.
Results: The quality of the training process had a different perception between professors and students. More than 20% of the respondents considered as unsatisfactory the preparation of nonteaching and administrative personnel and its impact on professional training. Regarding organization of teaching, more than 30% rated it as unsatisfactory. Almost 30% of the professors stated that research and work activity of the students was moderately satisfactory or unsatisfactory, while more than 20% of the students estimated that there were difficulties in the application of curricular strategies.
Conclusions: Insufficiencies were found that limited the continuous development of the training process.
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