Continuous improvement and physician formation in Manuel Fajardo School of Medical Sciences of Havana



institutional self-assessment, continuous improvement, quality of medical care.


Introduction: The continuous improvement process is nowadays the cornerstone of efforts made to manage quality in the training of professionals.

Objective: To assess the current state of Manuel Fajardo School of Medical Sciences regarding the development of the self-evaluation process in the medical major for the purpose of continuous improvement.

Methods: The study group consisted of 57 professors and 143 students from first to sixth academic years, in the period from January to March 2020. A sample stratified by cluster was selected for the students; while, for teachers, the sample was chosen by simple stratification. In addition, an observational, descriptive and cross-sectional research was carried out.

Results: The quality of the training process had a different perception between professors and students. More than 20% of the respondents considered as unsatisfactory the preparation of nonteaching and administrative personnel and its impact on professional training. Regarding organization of teaching, more than 30% rated it as unsatisfactory. Almost 30% of the professors stated that research and work activity of the students was moderately satisfactory or unsatisfactory, while more than 20% of the students estimated that there were difficulties in the application of curricular strategies.

Conclusions: Insufficiencies were found that limited the continuous development of the training process.


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Author Biographies

Luis Hernández García, Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de La Habana. Facultad "Manuel Fajardo".

Profesor Auxiliar, Máster en Educación Médica Superior, Especialista de Medicina Interna. Vicedecano

Midiala Monagas Docasal, Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de La Habana. Facultad "Manuel Fajardo".

Profesor Auxiliar, Máster en Educación Médica Superior, Especialista de Medicina General Integral. Decana

Armando Martínez Pedregal, Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de La Habana. Facultad "Manuel Fajardo".

Doctor en Ciencias, Profesor Titular



How to Cite

Hernández García L, Monagas Docasal M, Martínez Pedregal A. Continuous improvement and physician formation in Manuel Fajardo School of Medical Sciences of Havana. Educación Médica Superior [Internet]. 2021 Jun. 23 [cited 2025 Mar. 13];35(2). Available from:



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