Social representations of bioethics and ethics in medical students



bioethics, ethics, medical students, qualitative research, medical education.


Introduction: The teaching of bioethics to doctors in training should have a favorable impact on professional training.

Objective: To identify the social representations of bioethics and ethics in first-semester medical students at a university in Bogotá.

Methods: Qualitative study carried out with 40 participants, from the perspective of social representations with a processual and structural approach. A purposeful and convenience sampling was carried out, together with as a prototypical and graph theory analysis.

Results: The social representations of bioethics in women focused on the word "ethics" with a distance index of 1.25 with respect to "health", "life", "biology" and "nature". In men, bioethics, with a focus on “morals”, obtained a distance index of 1.48 compared to “ethics”, “medicine”, “principles” and “values”. Ethics in women focused on "acts" and "performance", with a distance index of 0.99 regarding morals, society and good. Ethics in men focuses on acting, with a distance index of 0.95 for person, values and behavior.

Conclusions: For the students, the social representations of bioethics are represented by means of medical ethics and ethics as an alternative that judges behaviors in individuals.


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Author Biographies

Giovane Mendieta Izquierdo, Universidad Militar Nueva Granada

Profesor programa de doctorado en Bioética Facultad de Educación y Humanidades Universidad Militar Nueva Granada. Bogotá. Colombia.   Líder Línea de investigación Bioética Médica y Salud Pública.

PhD en Ciencias de la Salud Pública. Universidad de Guadalajara. Exbecario CONACYT.  Magister en Educaciòn Pontifica Universidad Javeriana. Especialista en Gerencia en servicios de salud Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia. Terapeuta Respiratorio y Especialista en Auditoria en Salud Fundaciòn Universitaria del Área Andina.  Estudios en Filosofía y Letras Universidad de la Salle.

Abdénago Yate Arévalo, Universidad Militar Nueva Granada

Profesor Facultad Educación y Humanidades Universidad Militar. 

PhD en Bioética.

Teresa Margarita Torres López, Universidad de Guadalajara.

Profesora Departamento de salud Pública Universidad de Guadalajara.



How to Cite

Mendieta Izquierdo G, Yate Arévalo A, Torres López TM. Social representations of bioethics and ethics in medical students. Educación Médica Superior [Internet]. 2021 Nov. 30 [cited 2025 Mar. 12];35(4). Available from:



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