A Proposal for Academic Continuity and Distance Medical Training due to the COVID-19 Pandemic
academic continuity, distance education, medical education, COVID19, pandemicAbstract
Introduction: The appearance of a new infectious disease of the dimension of COVID-19 brings about a complex situation. The declaration of a health emergency triggered extraordinary measures, such as immediate suspension of nonessential activities in the public, private and social sectors, in order to mitigate the spread and transmission of the virus in the community.
Objective: To propose innovative actions to ensure medical training and, with it, academic continuity of health education institutions
Development: The implications of this pandemic are huge for those who share the commitment to guide the educational process of students, residents and specialists. The different public and private educational levels have resorted to migrating the educational offerings to a distance education format as a quick response to protect their students and guarantee academic continuity, focusing on the distribution of content through learning management systems.
Conclusions: The response and the ability to resolve the crisis will not be forgotten by students, residents, specialists, patients or their families; possibly neither by history. A challenge of this magnitude should guide not only the academic continuity of a particular course, but also the legacy that it represents in the training of a whole generation of health professionals
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