Sociodemographic, economic and health-related characteristics of the beneficiaries of Basic Complementary Educational Services
university dropout, health diagnosis, occupation status, consumption preference.Abstract
Introduction: The new University Law 30220 allows improving the basic conditions of university quality in Peru, insofar it is pertinent to know students’ conditions and origins in view of the continuous improvement of their academic progress.
Objective: To determine the sociodemographic, economic and health-related characteristics of beneficiaries of basic complementary educational services of the National University of Frontera in Sullana, Peru.
Methods: This is a descriptive study. The socioeconomic, family and health questionnaires of the beneficiaries were reviewed. The population was of census type and amounted to 1,285 students.
Results: Of the total of students, 64% were women and 35% were men. Likewise, a high percentage of students with hourly water service was determined, as well as some were observed to work in sales occupations, self-employment and as motorcycle taxi drivers. Most of the students were observed to receive a monthly salary between 250-500 soles. Regarding vaccination, the students were observed to receive vaccines against tetanus, measles, hepatitis B and human papillomavirus vaccines. In addition, a low percentage of students with asthma, with some type of allergy or suffering from some disability, depression and sexual abuse was found.
Conclusions: The complementary health service offered by the university is pertinent to reduce the risk of dropping out due to health-related reasons during undergraduate studies. Although it is necessary to coordinate efforts with local governments for establish health programs.
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