Psychological Safety Training for Senior Hospital Managment in Coping with COVID-19
Keywords, training, psychological safety, COVID-19.Abstract
Introduction: Management of workers' health in relation to psychological safety has emerged as an essential objective in coping with the COVID-19 pandemic. Training provided to senior hospital management is a preventive action that should be included in the management of the current pandemic.
Objective: To develop a psychological safety training program for senior hospital management as part of the primary prevention actions provided in the Psychological Safety Management Protocol for Health Personnel Working Directly with COVID-19–Affected Patients.
Methods: A development study was carried out, which included a narrative bibliographic review and the use of theoretical research methods.
Results: A training program was created, which includes three topics for working at the organizational level: psychological safety in emergencies and disasters, leadership and communication, and organizational management.
Conclusions: The training program developed includes contents that contribute to the development of psychological safety of the healthcare personnel and to the integrated management of processes. It was useful to prepare senior hospital management to cope with COVID-19.
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