The use of images as tools for teaching and learning about acute peritonitis
image, illustrative teaching, learning, acute peritonitis.Abstract
Introduction: Images as teaching aids are learning resources widely used in the field of general surgery.
Objective: To show the usefulness of digital images as illustrative teaching tools in acute peritonitis.
Methods: A developmental research was carried out at Dr. Ambrosio Grillo Portuondo Clinical Surgical Teaching Hospital, of Santiago de Cuba, from January to July 2020. The historical-logical and systematization methods were used as theoretical methods, while the experiential and observation methods were used as empirical methods, together with the healthcare provision and teaching practice of the author.
Results: The contextualized practical experience of the author in the diverse hospital setting of clinical-surgical care for patients with acute peritonitis allowed confirming the use of static and dynamic digital images as tools for teaching and learning about the disease. The scientific and pedagogical character of the images taken of this type of patients increased the diagnostic and therapeutic skills among surgery residents.
Conclusions: Digital images as illustrative aids for teaching acute peritonitis are learning resources of unquestionable value. Their usefulness, relevance and feasibility increase the motivation of surgery residents, in view of achieving comprehensive academic training.
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