Faculty in the Medical Major: two accreditation processes at Salvador Allende School
external assessment, medical major, faculty, scientific production, quality.Abstract
Introduction: Internationally, the university community considers not thinking about higher education quality as an aim dissociated from concrete university insertion in a certain social context. Quality assessment appeared on the countries' agendas in the mid-1990s, as a consequence of two complementary phenomenons: the increase in demand and the development of the business sector.
Objective: To characterize scientific potential resources and production of the faculty of the medical major at Salvador Allende School in two external assessment processes.
Methods: A qualitative, retrospective, comparative-descriptive study of the faculty was carried out during two external assessment processes, in 2013 and 2019, including 340 and 381 professors, respectively. Descriptive methods, as well as absolute and relative measures were used for qualitative and quantitative variables, applying the means comparison test in independent and paired samples.
Results: The 2019 accreditation showed an increase in the numbers of full and auxiliary professors and a scientific degree. The whole number of the main professors of the disciplines and from the academic years of the major held higher categories, such as a master's degree, or first-degree specialist.
Conclusions: Stability and development of the faculty was evidenced, as well as insufficient increase in the numbers of scientific degrees and second-degree specialists. Presentations in scientific events increased per professor, as it was for the case of publication rates, with a predominance of groups I and II.
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