Factors related with research competences in dental students
research, students, learning, dental medicine, education.Abstract
Introduction: Research competences allow students to train and develop skills to analyze data, critically assess sources of information, write and behave as researchers.
Objective: To identify the factors related to research competences of dental students.
Methods: Observational and cross-sectional study, which included 205 students from the School of Dental Medicine at Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, in Lima, Peru. The sample was chosen in a probabilistic way. The variables included were student research competences, age, sex, academic year, participation in research groups, research experiences, and publication of scientific articles. The survey technique was used, together with measurement instruments such as the questionnaire and a scale. The scores of the investigative competences were analyzed through averages and analysis of association with the characteristics of each student was used.
Results: They were related to a higher score of the research competences: belonging to a student scientific society (OR=1.452; 95% CI=1.05-1.98) and to a research group (OR=1.125; 95% CI=1.02-1.45), having published articles (OR=1.245; 95% CI=0.65-1.55), and having presented in competitions (OR=1.145; 95% CI= 1.08-1.35).
Conclusions: Some academic characteristics such as research groups and belonging to a student scientific society show a relationship with better training of research competences in undergraduate students.
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