A proposal for the articulation of specialties and master's with doctoral programs in the National School of Public Health
doctoral program, doctoral training, articulation of training processes.Abstract
Introduction: Doctoral training comprises internal relationships between scientific and academic scenarios.
Objective: To show a proposal for articulating the master's program and specialties with the doctoral training process of the National School of Public Health.
Methods: A qualitative and phenomenological study was carried out, with the participation of doctors from the National School of Public Health involved in the doctoral training of other academic modalities and graduates. A discussion group was held through a virtual forum, where the need for an articulation action plan was discussed, as well as its definitive creation.
Results: The speaking participants supported the need to have such articulation and issued criteria that allowed the improvement of the proposal submitted for discussion.
Conclusions: The specialty-master's program-doctorate program articulation of the National School of Public Health guarantees that actors be involved in its implementation and makes it possible to foresee the proposed achievements in terms of strengthening the institution's doctoral training, based on its own academic modalities. It should favor the rapid and successful transition of a greater number of professionals towards doctoral training in health sciences. Its foundations, purposes, actions and responsible actors respond to the circumstances in which this proposal arises, as well as to the current needs, which does not limit its continuous and necessary improvement.
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