Usage of Moodle for training Biostatistics Specialists during COVID-19 times
distance education, teaching-learning virtual environments, Moodle platform, health postgraduate, Biostatistics specialty.Abstract
Introduction: The National School of Public Health is the center that coordinates and guides the training of Biostatistics specialists in Cuba. Since the emergency caused by COVID-19, the training process of this specialty was interrupted. Distance education through teaching-learning environments was the only possible option to resume the process.
Objective: To expose the experience of using Moodle in the training of Biostatistics specialists during the COVID-19 epidemic.
Methods: Descriptive case study carried out between September 2020 and February 2021. The study universe consisted of the two first-year students enrolled for the 2020-2021 academic year. A structured survey was applied to the students regarding aspects of the first two courses the program; expert consultation was carried out for the evaluation.
Results: Shortcomings were identified as affecting the reorientation of the process. The selection of practical and evaluative activities was guided by the analysis of the thematic objectives and the nature of the contents. The assessment of the results and the analysis of the survey provided in-depth knowledge of aspects to be improved in future editions.
Conclusions: The study evidenced that the virtual modality was a feasible way for postgraduate training in health, particularly during the COVID-19. With the analysis of the four conditions that should be present in instructional systems, the pre-planning stage and its improvement was recognized as important to achieve better results.
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