Current trends in the teaching of basic cardiopulmonary resuscitation
teaching, high-fidelity simulation teaching, higher education, technological progress, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, technology.Abstract
Introduction: The teaching of cardiopulmonary resuscitation is based on the study of concepts, theories and practices evaluated with the aim of measuring the retention level of individuals.
Objective: To characterize the impact of current trends in the teaching of cardiopulmonary resuscitation.
Methods: A bibliographic review of scientific articles from Medline, PubMed, SciELO Regional and SciELO Cuba databases was carried out. Descriptors in Spanish and English were used, as well as 29 citations were reviewed.
Results: Current trends involve the application of new technologies, self-training and little development of face-to-face settings. Schools are considered as key places for new forms of teaching. Simulators allow training under real clinical situations. Self-learning guarantees the consolidation of practical skills transmitted by the instructor and assimilated by the student.
Conclusions: Cardiopulmonary resuscitation guarantees better quality of life for the general population. Technological progress has opened a new stage in the training of skills, in which autonomy has prevailed; however, there are significant disadvantages. Therefore, there is a need for instructor-led counseling, offering basic theoretical and practical knowledge combined with a level of learning autonomy. This process must be monitored and controlled. While training does not stop at such point, systematic training at any location allows reaffirmation of what has been learned. In this way, technological advances will permit to take the best advantage.
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