Active COVID-19 screening: the knowledge of medical sciences students from Camagüey
COVID-19, active screening, students.Abstract
Introduction: When the first case of COVID-19 was diagnosed in Cuba, a training setting had already been designed for students of all the majors in the field of medical sciences who, as part of their training, should internalize the responsibilities that medicine implies, which is not only limited to the acquisition of scientific and academic knowledge.
Objective: To determine the medical sciences students from Camagüey’s knowledge for performing active COVID-19 screening.
Methods: An observational, descriptive and cross-sectional study was carried out in September 2021. The study universe was 2573 students, belonging to all the majors in the field of medical sciences who were involved in active COVID-19 screening within the Camagüey Municipality. A sample of 416 students was selected in eight health areas of this municipality, by using nonprobabilistic convenience sampling. A descriptive, qualitative, individual survey containing open and closed questions was elaborated and validated.
Results: The sample was represented by the female sex in a 70.7 %, while the highest percentage belonged to the medical school (73 %). 55 % responded that they had a good training for carrying out active COVID-19 screening and 79.8 % recognized television as the most significant way for knowledge acquisition. 93.3 % considered that the clinical and epidemiological methods were significant to develop the activity.
Conclusions: In the present research, the female sex predominated. Likewise, television was recognized as the best way for knowledge acquisition and most of the participants expressed the value of the clinical-epidemiological method for acquiring knowledge. It was considered that students should be provided with the tools for self-training to exploit the virtual setting and the active platforms even more.
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