Learning styles and performance in nursing students from a peruvian university during COVID-19
learning, academic performance, Nursing.Abstract
Introduction: The current pandemic caused changes in higher education. The establishment of the virtual modality for the Nursing major at the University of Sciences and Humanities led to the presumption that academic performance could be affected. Before the onset of the pandemic, the academic performance of students was highly heterogeneous. Learning styles could be one of the factors influencing academic performance.
Objective: To identify the relationship between learning styles and academic performance in virtual education of Nursing students in their fourth, fifth and seventh cycles from the University of Sciences and Humanities.
Methods: A quantitative approach was used, with a nonexperimental, descriptive-correlational, observational, cross-sectional and retrospective design. A sample of thirty Nursing students from the University of Sciences and Humanities was evaluated. The instrument used to determine the learning style of each of the students was the David Kolb's learning style inventory, while a data collection form was used to determine academic performance.
Results: Most of the students were of female sex (93 %) and aged between 18 and 29 years old (73 %). Regarding the relationship between learning styles and academic performance, a chi-square of 9.7305 (P=0.365) was obtained. The most frequent learning style was the assimilative style (37 %), followed by the convergent style (27 %). The most frequent academic performance level was the category good (80 %), followed by fair (16.67 %).
Conclusions: The relationship between learning styles and academic performance is not statistically significant.
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