The Contribution of Research Groups to the Doctoral Training within the Health Sciences Program
research groups, doctoral training, health sciences.Abstract
Introduction: The insertion of PhD aspirants into research groups favors their training and work in interdisciplinary teams.
Objective: To identify the contribution of research groups to the doctoral training of the doctoral program in Health Sciences.
Methods: A qualitative study was conducted in the period 2018-2021. The study group consisted of graduates, enrolled participants and supervisors from the doctoral program in Health Sciences taught by the Escuela Nacional de Salud Pública. In-depth interviews were carried out upon the basis of a guide with three topics that addressed the investigated problem situation, validated by members of the Doctoral Board.
Results: The graduates recognized the contribution of them being inserted into the teams during their training and made suggestions related to the accompaniment during the process. In the case of those in training, they suggested aspects that would favor access to guidance concerning how to present and write their dissertations. The supervisors expressed their agreement with the inclusion of their protégés into the groups and recommended, among other aspects, increasing the dissemination of the workshops prior to the defense.
Conclusions: At the Escuela Nacional de Salud Pública, it has been achieved that professionals with scientific degrees do not work in isolation, but in an articulated manner together with research groups, with favorable results, which has been acknowledged by graduates, enrolled participants and supervisors from that program.
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