Life history of Ph.D. Oscar B. Alonso Chil, a role model for cuban medical education



Ph.D. Oscar Alonso Chile, internal medicine, medical training and education, Emeritus Professor.


Introduction: Ph.D. Oscar B. Alonso Chil (b. 1930-d. 2021) was one of the physicians who stayed in Cuba after the triumph of the Revolution. He was a founder of the healthcare services for internal medicine and geriatrics, and made important contributions to medical teaching.

Objective: To present the professional career of Oscar B. Alonso Chil as a physician and teacher of revolutionary Cuban medicine, through his life history.

Methods: A descriptive and qualitative study was carried out, using the life history technique, focused on the professional aspect. For this purpose, a semistructured interview was conducted with the testimony witness as a fundamental source of information. The oral testimony was validated by reviewing the official documentation in his teaching file and the existing scientific literature related to the subject; in addition to interviews with his students and coworkers.

Development: It was observed that he founded services, organized the teaching activity, supervised research, made publications and consultancies, and was a member of scientific boards and councils. He performed each of these activities with great commitment and unconditionality to his profession, which gave him great satisfaction with life. He achieved holding the highest distinctions for his work: second-degree specialist in Internal Medicine, as well as Full Professor, Faculty Consultant and Emeritus Professor of the University of Medical Sciences of Havana.

Conclusions: Oscar B. Alonso Chil contributed to the development of internal medicine in Cuba during the revolutionary period. This professor represents a role model for students of medical sciences due to his professional and scientific prestige.


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Author Biography

Ariadna Gonazález Martín, Facultad de Ciencias Médicas 10 de Octubre. UCMH

Profesora asistente de Historia. Departamento de Marxismo-Leninismo Historia



How to Cite

Dávila Rodríguez I, Gonazález Martín A, Azopardo Núñez E. Life history of Ph.D. Oscar B. Alonso Chil, a role model for cuban medical education. Educación Médica Superior [Internet]. 2023 Jan. 31 [cited 2025 Mar. 13];37(1). Available from:



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