A strategy for teaching Biostatistics in scientific research within the master’s degree program in medical genetics



statistics, biostatistics, genetics, higher education, medical education, teaching-learning.


Introduction: Biostatistics in scientific research is course number eight within the master’s degree program in medical genetics. The current empirical experience shows that the students do not achieve the necessary competences and skills to acquire statistical sovereignty or face the research challenges of the specialty.

Objective: To expose the effectiveness of a didactic strategy based on active methods for teaching biostatistics in scientific research within the master’s degree program in medical genetics during the 2022-2023 academic year.

Methods: A quasiexperimental study with a longitudinal strategy of before-after measurements was carried out. A questionnaire validated by an expert committee was applied to nineteen master’s degree students who consented to participate in the research. The teaching strategy used a project-based dynamics and applied a statistical package, whose analytical program was contextualized according to professional interests and motivations.

Results: 52.6% of the students used statistical methods, 57.9% used descriptive statistics, and a minority (21.1%) used inferential statistics. A statistical package was used in 26.3 % of the cases and an even lower percentage (15.8 %) had some statistical analysis autonomy. At the beginning of the course, the low level of knowledge predominated for all items; after the intervention, the high and moderate levels predominated.

Conclusions: This research showed the effectiveness of the didactic strategy used for the teaching of biostatistics in scientific research as part of the master’s degree program in medical genetics for the edition developed during the 2022-2023 academic year.


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Author Biographies

Roberto Lardoeyt Ferrer, Facultad de Ciencias Médicas Manuel Fajardo

Especialista de I y II grado en Genética Clínica. Doctor en Ciencias Médicas. Profesor Titular. Investigador Titular. Miembro del Comité académico de la maestría de genética médica. Gestor de Ciencia y técnica y asesor de grado científico. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas Manuel Fajardo.

Raúl Fernández Regalado, ICBP Victoria de Girón

Especialista de I y II grado en Bioquímica. Doctor en Ciencias Médicas. Profesor Titular. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas “Victoria de Girón

Paulina Araceli Lantigua Cruz, Centro Nacional de Genética Médica

Especialista de I y II grado en Genética Clínica. Doctor en Ciencias Médicas. Profesor Titular. Investigador Titular. Centro Nacional de Genética Médica



How to Cite

Lardoeyt Ferrer R, Fernández Regalado R, Lantigua Cruz PA. A strategy for teaching Biostatistics in scientific research within the master’s degree program in medical genetics. Educación Médica Superior [Internet]. 2023 Jan. 22 [cited 2025 Mar. 18];37(1). Available from: https://ems.sld.cu/index.php/ems/article/view/3559



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