Pedagogical upgrading of the Histology professors in the University of Medical Sciences of Matanzas
professional upgrading, pedagogical upgrading, postgraduate education.Abstract
The teaching of basic sciences in medical universities is a priority for the training of health professionals, because it provides the theoretical foundations that promote the understanding of the morphophysiology of the human organism, its interdependencies and its relationship with the environment in which it is born, grows, develops and dies. In this respect, it is necessary to maintain the upgrading of professors in view of improving the guidance of the teaching-learning process from the first academic years of the medical major and, particularly in this research, through the use of drawn microscopic images for the teaching of this knowledge in the discipline Biological Basis of Medicine. The objective of the article was to characterize the pedagogical upgrading of Histology professors at the University of Medical Sciences of Matanzas. A bibliographic review of articles dealing with this topic was carried out, as well as of normative documents for the training of professors in this pedagogical area. Three moments were identified that characterized the pathway of the pedagogical upgrading of biomedical sciences professors, particularly the role of drawn microscopic images as a teaching aid in this process. The programs were not considered to devote any time to its development, thus the need appearing for the upgrading of professors and the improvement of the didactics of this discipline.
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