A proposal of specific professional competences for the training of gastroenterology specialists
higher medical education, medical specialties, professional performance, specific professional competences, gastroenterology.Abstract
Introduction: The quality training of human capital in the health sector is a challenge for contemporary Cuban medical education. Academic training, particularly the residence, has the task of training a professional with high competence and advanced capabilities for specialized performance, solid ethical-moral principles and high scientific-technical qualification; therefore, the development of professional competences is a priority for the training of biomedical specialists.
Objective: To elaborate a proposal of specific professional competences for the training of gastroenterology specialists.
Methods: An educational study of applicative research was carried out under the general dialectical-materialistic approach and based on philosophical, psychological and legal theories and approaches of the laws of education and, particularly, of medical education. Theoretical, empirical and statistical-mathematical methods were also used.
Results: An operational definition of "specific professional competences" in gastroenterology was elaborated, based on the study of the system of competences and the systematization of the guiding documents for such training. Specific professional competences were also identified and defined in the care, teaching, research and management areas, which allowed to improve the professional performance of future specialists.
Conclusions: Training based on the development of specific professional competences is a priority for contemporary Cuban public health and medical education, in view of raising the quality of the training process in the specialty of gastroenterology and the medical care provided by these physicians at the levels of healthcare.
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