Characterization of Research Activity by the Student Teachers at Facultad “Victoria de Girón”
research, scientific and technical publication, medical education, undergraduate education in Medicine, health sciences, students, scientific production indicators.Abstract
Introduction: “Frank País” Student Teachers Movement is a valuable pool of researchers. However, these potentialities do not always produce such outcomes; therefore, systematic monitoring of this activity is necessary.
Objective: To characterize the research activity of student teachers at Facultad de Ciencias Médicas “Victoria de Girón”.
Methods: An observational, descriptive and cross-sectional study was conducted with a stratified probabilistic sample of 131 subjects. The statistical analysis was descriptive. Pearson’s chi-squared test and Cramer’s V coefficient were used.
Results: Of the 12 explored research skills, fifth academic year students expressed that they mastered 8 of them, in which they reached the highest figures. The clinical area received the main interest in research (50.4 %); this variable was associated with the type of specialty of the student teachers (p<0.001; V=0.710). 53.4 % of the students reported that they were involved in scientific research, a condition statistically associated (p<0.001; 0.6≤V<0.8) with the variables service time in the student teachers movement, perception of its importance in self–professional training, self-assessment of training for it, recent involvement into a research project, membership in the students' scientific group, and interest in practicing the specialty during the postgraduate stage. Few of them were involved in research projects (n=22), the students’ scientific group (n=37), or participated in scientific publication (n=22).
Conclusions: Insufficient activity in scientific research is observed among the student teachers of this medical school.
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