A guide for the implementation of network resources
virtualization in education, instructional design, network courses, virtual university of health, higher medical education.Abstract
Introduction: Changes in higher medical education, caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus pandemic, prompted the integration of information and communication technologies to teaching in Cuba and the world. The virtual university of health became an important means to support the teaching-educational processes; therefore, professors had to face the challenge of virtualizing their training activities.
Objective: To validate a guide for designing and assembling virtual teaching-learning environments in undergraduate and postgraduate medical education.
Methods: A technological innovation research was carried out in three stages: design of the guide, implementation and validation. A survey was conducted to the participants of the virtual training in virtual teaching-learning environments.
Results: Six steps were proposed for the design and implementation of training processes through the virtual modality: analysis of resources and feasibility; course design or adaptation of an existing program; content production; resource uploading and activity configuration; training action; and course assessment, improvement and redesign.
Conclusions: The integration of technology to higher education teaching is a reality driven by the epidemiological situation, which will continue to develop until it becomes part of the professor’s regular work. This guide systematizes and simplifies actions to facilitate the initial virtualization process. A flexible and scalable model is proposed to improve continuously the quality of the educational teaching process in virtual teaching-learning environments.
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