The Latin-American University and the Social Right to Health
medical education, Latin-American university, social right to health, 2030 Agenda, public health.Abstract
This article is presented in the Keynote Lectures section because it is the text of a lecture given at the IV International Conference on Medical Education in the 21st Century during the IV International Health Convention, Havana, October 2022. It has been kept as an oral text. The topic on the Latin-American university and the social right to health is addressed, considering the relevance of health in the social and economic development of the population, as well as taking into account the importance of training human resources committed to health as a social right, a public good, and a responsibility of the State. This allows to analyze critically the public health space and the training of human resources in the twentieth century and the beginning of the twenty-first century, in order to contribute to the demand for a new strategic dimension that responds, in a committed manner, to the health needs and priorities of our populations.
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