The Scientific Production about Gynecology and Obstetrics in Cuban Student Journals (2014-2022)
science, students, gynecology, research, obstetrics.Abstract
Introduction: The development of scientific research in health sciences is a fundamental component within medical-healthcare systems that influences the health levels and the quality of life of the population.
Objective: To characterize the scientific production on obstetrics and gynecology in Cuban student scientific journals in the period 2014-2022.
Methods: A bibliometric study was carried out of the scientific production described above, the universe of which consisted of 104 published articles. No sampling techniques were applied, and the variables year of publication, language, student scientific journals, number of authors, institution of origin, addressed topics, type of article, and number of references were evaluated. Descriptive statistics were applied.
Results: The year 2021 was the most productive, with 31 articles (29.81 %); the scientific journal 16 de Abril published 28.85 % of them. There was a predominance of research with multiple authorship; those signed by four authors were the most widely represented, accounting for 29.81 %. 16.34% of the authors came from Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Pinar del Río. Pieces of research related to the area of obstetrics as the central topic had the highest prevalence. Original articles stood out, with 74 pieces of research, accounting for 71.15 %.
Conclusions: The student scientific activity in the specialty of gynecology and obstetrics has been favored by an upward growth. Supported by the collaboration among multiple authors, as well as by several dissemination bodies, they allow achieving greater reach and impact, especially through the publication of original pieces of research.
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