A Critical Analysis of the Syllabus for the Subject Medical Genetics of the Discipline Diagnostic Research



syllabuses, genetics, subject, discipline, teaching-educational process.


Introduction: The syllabus is a hypothetical formulation of the learning aspects intended to be achieved in the student. It is a fundamental tool for teaching.

Objective: To present a critical analysis of the syllabus for subject Medical Genetics in the medical major, based on the current regulations for the teaching-methodological work.

Methods: A literature review was carried out to develop a critical analysis of the syllabus of the subject Medical Genetics, considering articles published between 2012 and 2022. The search was performed in Google Scholar, Dialnet, SciELO and Redalyc in September 2022. The keywords used were programas [syllabuses], genética [genetics], asignatura [subject], disciplina [discipline] and proceso docente-educativo [teaching-educational process]. This framework included all published Cuban articles; there were not any language-related restrictions. Fifty articles were consulted, 11 of which were selected. Those not related to higher medical education were excluded.

Results: The methodological orientation was to include aspects aimed at health promotion, to encourage communicative skills, to reformulate the objectives (including the essential elements in their structure), to make a change in the order of teaching (with modifications also in the level of depth and contributing with a preventive approach), as well as to state the values adequately, to rectify the number of hours within the available time fund, to update the bibliography.

Conclusions: The insufficiencies found through the performed analysis permitted to identify the vulnerable areas towards the main actions should be directed if aimed at increasing the quality of the educational teaching process, apart from reflecting their need to be reassessed.


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Author Biography

Aimé González Santiesteban, Facultad de Ciencias Médicas de Artemisa

Lic Enfermería.Master en Educación Superior.Profesora Auxiliar.Investigador Agregado.Especialista de 2do Grado en Fisiología Normal y Patológica.



How to Cite

Velazco Brito LVB, González Santiesteban A, Pérez Trujillo J. A Critical Analysis of the Syllabus for the Subject Medical Genetics of the Discipline Diagnostic Research. Educación Médica Superior [Internet]. 2023 Sep. 20 [cited 2025 Mar. 10];37(3). Available from: https://ems.sld.cu/index.php/ems/article/view/3844



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