AELI® KINETEST: a Complement for Clinical Diagnosis
muscle test, comprehensive patient assessment, ancillary therapies.Abstract
Introduction: With the permanent goal of improving the doctor-patient relationship and encouraging the latter to assume a proactive position in the pursuit of her or his health, the AELI® KINETEST methodology is implemented. It has been accepted since 2017 by the Cuban Office of Industrial Property, a state body subordinated to the Ministry of Science, Technology and the Environment. This methodology uses a different way of making a diagnosis and carrying out treatment, with a marked intention to achieve an comprehensive vision of the patient, covering the individual, family, work, and other contexts.
Objective: To describe the results of patient care with AELI® KINETEST.
Methods: A retrospective, descriptive and cross-sectional study was conducted. The population consisted of 582 patients from Hospital Universitario Clínico Quirúrgico “Dr. Miguel Enríquez”, during March 2016 and March 2019. An individual file was prepared, including the results of the application of the upper limb muscle test protocol for identifying energetic disharmonies.
Results: A positive evolution was observed, predominantly from the second consultation, at which moment 84.4% were asymptomatic; while at the moment of the third consultation, 91% were asymptomatic.
Conclusions: AELI® KINETEST is a methodology that promotes health with an approach towards a comprehensive vision of the human being, as well as it allows individual growth, short-term symptom control and a rapid reincorporation to work and family. The results show social acceptance and point to an immediate inclusion in the learning of health sciences.
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