Student Perception about the Teaching-Learning Process of Medical Genetics at a Medical School
Medical Genetics, teaching-learning process, student perception.Abstract
Introduction: The faculty of Facultad de Ciencias Médicas Manuel Fajardo outlined a strategy for improving the educational teaching process for the 2022-2023 academic year. Work was done on the essentials of the subject Medical Genetics, characterized by the development of active teaching methods and a virtual learning environment, as well as by the use of a textbook authored by one of the professors of the subject faculty.
Objective: To explore the student perception about the teaching-learning process of Medical Genetics at Facultad de Ciencias Médicas Manuel Fajardo during the 2022-2023 academic year.
Methods: A cross-sectional descriptive observational study was carried out. A questionnaire, whose content was previously validated through Aikem's V Coefficient, was applied to 115 second-year medical students, who offered their informed consent. Thirteen variables were characterized.
Results: The highest percentages of satisfaction were grouped in the level of imparted knowledge (100 %), the use of audiovisual media (94.7 %), and the personalization of teaching consultations (94.6 %). The highest percentages of student dissatisfaction were related to group dynamics in knowledge integration (30.1 %), the evaluation methods (27.0 %), and the use of clinical cases for learning (27.0 %).
Conclusions: There is good student perception about the teaching process of the subject Medical Genetics at Facultad de Medicina Manuel Fajardo during the 2022-2023 academic year due to the influence of, among other factors, the practical usefulness of the received content and the development of personalized teaching consultations.
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