The Software Jamovi in the Teaching of the Subject Research Methodology
software, statistics, medical research, teaching.Abstract
Scientific research is a fundamental component in the training of health professionals. The purpose of the subject Research Methodology taught s part of the undergraduate medical program is to prepare them to conduct scientific research using information technologies. This includes descriptive statistics contents to develop research, which makes it necessary to acquire skills with computer tools for processing the collected data, through softwares, preferably of free distribution. The present article had the objective of spreading the use of the free software Jamovi for descriptive statistics contents in the first academic year of the medical major belonging to the plan of studies E, which allows concluding that this free tool uses a simple and user-friendly interface. It is designed in R language, can be modified according to the researcher’s interests, and has become the preferred tool of many researchers for the processing, analysis and graphical representation of data at a global level.
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