Interdisciplinary Relationships between Anesthesiologists and Surgeons
interdisciplinarity, transdiciplinarity, postgraduate education.Abstract
Introduction: Interdisciplinary relationships are characterized by professionals with different training coming together to cross the traditional boundaries between various academic disciplines, in search of new theoretical-practical approaches.
Objective: To update on the interdisciplinary relationships between anesthesiologists and surgeons, as well as their scope in the training program of both specialties.
Development: The interdisciplinarity between anesthesiology and surgery demands an comprehensive knowledge of the object of study. This entails multiple methodological approaches, in order to achieve, at any moment, better solutions to problems. It is a complex process, since two different specialties are superimposed with the approach on a common patient. This comes to be the philosophy of characterizing all the points of view that make both specialties coincide in the systematic search for integration of theories, methods and instruments in their interaction.
Conclusions: Anesthesiologists and surgeons, in their mode of action, establish interdisciplinary relationships. However, the training programs of these specialties have been identified to have a prevailing disciplinary academic logic, without requiring any interdisciplinary forms of teaching as a factor that will contribute to a more effective dimension in learning.
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