Contributions of Education 4.0 and the Technological Toolbox according to Current Educational Demands
medical education, educational technology, methodology, science management, health technology and innovation.Abstract
The technological changes of the fourth industrial revolution show transformations in all areas (labor, education, politics, among others), which produces a radical change in the way to study, work, shop and socialize. The objective of this work was to identify elements of Education 4.0 and the technological toolbox that contribute to satisfy the current educational demands. The new paradigm implies that institutions take a series of actions aimed at increasing the flexibility of time and space for the whole participating community, considering the learning needs of students, applying blended learning and ICT-based self-learning, as well as improving collaborative learning strategies. In view of designing new educational innovation projects, consideration must be given to the four central components of Education 4.0: competences, learning methods, information and communication technologies, as well as infrastructure. Any professor's toolbox continues to be a necessary element for structuring contents methodologically and supporting the general educational process technologically, since this is a complex phenomenon belonging to the learning ecosystem. Current requirements, oriented to implementing technology as a necessity to face the modern dynamics of economies and knowledge, demand that education be modernized at different levels, especially higher education, with a regenerative vision of education, including elements from the toolbox and Education 4.0.
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