The Task within the Teaching-Learning Process of Basic Biomedical Sciences
teaching tasks, teaching-learning by tasks, basic biomedical sciences.Abstract
Very much research has addressed the teaching task as an essential element for knowledge acquisition and the development of skills in students at different levels of education, as well as at the university level in particular. With respect to this topic, there are different approaches, depending on the considered point of view. The aim of this article was to determine the necessary references for designing a system of teaching tasks with contents about histology for the teaching-learning process of basic biomedical sciences in the medical major.
The following were identified as essential regularities, considered by the authors to be valuable references: acknowledgment of the teaching task as a link within the teaching-learning process and a basic element of it, which pursues specific objectives and essentially involves the student’s activity; it is, therefore, a didactic resource for planning, organizing, regulating and controlling their activity aimed at acquiring the necessary knowledge about the histological structure of the normal human organism, in addition to training skills and promoting values linked to the profession for which they are being trained. Based on the above, a concept was defined for teaching tasks in basic biomedical sciences and contents about histology.
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