A Professional Improvement Strategy in Natural and Traditional Medicine for Orthopedics and Traumatology Specialists
professional improvement strategy, natural and traditional medicine, Orthopedics and Traumatology specialists.Abstract
Introduction: Natural and traditional medicine aims at integrating knowledge within its modalities to medical practice, based on an adequate selection and scientific foundation. Since its development as part of the professional improvement process in specialties such as Orthopedics and Traumatology, it achieves quality medical care, adjusts itself to the current sociohistorical conditions and the development of new action styles, improves interpersonal relationships, as well as promotes ethical and moral values in close relationship with the community.
Objective: To present the foundations that support the design and application of a professional improvement strategy with Orthopedics and Traumatology specialists for the application of natural and traditional medicine.
Methods: A pedagogical and prospective study was carried out, using theoretical and empirical methods. Modeling was used for the elaboration of the professional improvement strategy, which made possible the concretion-abstraction process with its interrelations and links in view of the application of natural and traditional medicine. The criteria used by Yerina Figueredo, Ph.D., were assumed. The population was 43 Orthopedics and Traumatology specialists from Hospital Juan Bruno Zayas Alfonso, of Santiago de Cuba, between July and December 2021.
Results: A high level of satisfaction with the application of the strategy was demonstrated and the consultation with experts evidenced an improvement in the performance of these professionals.
Conclusions: The updating in the modalities of natural and traditional medicine for the training of Orthopedics and Traumatology specialists contributed a group of regularities to permanent and continuous training, which enriches the sciences of medical education.
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