Identification of Learning Styles with a Holistic Approach in Pathological Anatomy Students
Pathological Anatomy, learning styles, medical education, research capacity.Abstract
Introduction: Medical knowledge is multiplying exponentially, due to the scientific-technological advance of society. This indicates the need for students, guided by the teacher, to become accustomed to seeking their knowledge, for which problem-based teaching has proven effective in medical education. However, to use it correctly, it is necessary to identify the learning styles of students in a personalized way, to know their preferences when assimilating knowledge, their study habits and for socialization.
Objective: To explain how learning styles were identified in Pathological Anatomy students through the personological approach and the way in which this result was used to develop the teaching-educational process through problem-based teaching.
Methods: Theoretical methods were used: analytical-synthetic, historical-logical and inductive-deductive; and empirical: documentary analysis in the study of psycho-pedagogical literature on learning styles, to adopt a classification based on Vygotsky's historical-cultural approach, the survey (questionnaire) to identify learning styles, scientific observation and group interview.
Results: The effectiveness of the questionnaire was demonstrated in workshops, seminars and extra-class work, through demonstrations offered by students, through their different ways of perceiving and processing information, the increase in interest in the search for new knowledge, its conscious assimilation and satisfaction in research tasks, as well as the personal development expressed by them.
Conclusions: The instrument applied was adequate because it identified learning styles as a personological process, which was demonstrated through the solution of problem tasks and the independent search for knowledge; in addition, it allowed the self-assessment of students.
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