Clinical Competence of Family Physicians in the Stratification of Cardiovascular Risk
Introduction: Professional preparation on cardiovascular risk stratification is a necessity, as the only way for the adequate control of cardiovascular diseases, as well as the first cause of morbidity and mortality in Cuba and the world, acquiring a relevant role in the clinical practice of family physicians.
Objective: To identify the level of clinical competence in family physicians on cardiovascular risk stratification.
Methods: A cross-sectional descriptive study was carried out on 81 family physicians of Ramón López Peña polyclinic, between January and November 2023. Clinical competence was used as a characterization variable, together with its dimensions of knowledge, skills and attitudes. The historical-logical, analytic-synthetic and inductive-deductive theoretical methods were used for the collection of information and the basis of the research; and, at the empirical level, questionnaire and observation were used. Descriptive statistics (number and percentage) and inferential statistics (95 % confidence index) were used.
Results: The knowledge dimension was adequate in 58 % of the physicians, the attitude dimension was fair in 39 %, and the skills dimension was inadequate in 67% of the casuistry. The results of the survey evidenced a fair level of clinical competence of family physicians (48.7 %).
Conclusions: The present investigation allowed us to appreciate that family physicians have a fair level of clinical competence for cardiovascular risk stratification, so it is feasible to implement educational strategies to improve skills in routine medical practice.
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Copyright (c) 2025 Naifi Hierrezuelo Rojas Rojas, Rolando Bonal Ruiz, Mirtha Lidia Reyes López, Vilma Lourdes Mejias Miralles, Mileydis Cordovi Hierrezuelo, Miriela Navarro Ramos

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