Historical Evolution of English for Specific Purposes in the Postgraduate training of the dental graduate



English for Specific Purposes, historical evolution, postgraduate training, dentistry.


Introduction: the teaching-learning process of English for Specific Purposes in its development has gone through different stages in postgraduate training.

Objective: to describe the historical evolution of the teaching-learning process in English for Specific Purposes since its insertion into postgraduate training of the dental graduate.

Methods: a historical and descriptive study was carried out with the use of theoretical-logical, analytical-synthetic and inductive-deductive methods.

Results: four stages stand out: first (1962-1975), marked by the changes brought about by the University Reform; second (1976-1991), influenced by the indications of the discipline's syllabus in curricula A and B, the teaching methods of the time and textbooks; third (1992-2010), has an impact on the curriculum C, the teaching methods and the changes in the regulations related to postgraduate education in Cuba; and fourth (2011-current 2024), it transcends the indications of the D and E curricula and the English language improvement policy.

Conclusions: the analysis carried out allows us to confirm that the historical evolution of the English for Specific Purposes in the postgraduate training of the dental graduate has gone through training objectives that have been changing according to the academic needs of the time; undergraduate curricula, that influenced the teaching-learning process; a teaching-learning process, that has used different linguistic methods and approaches; the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages; in addition to the use of technology and the modifications in the regulations related to postgraduate education.


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Author Biography

Raiza Texidor Pellón, Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de La Habana, Facultad de Estomatología. La Habana. Cuba.

Jefe departamento Inglés Fac. estimatología. Profesora Auxiliar de Inglés.



How to Cite

Texidor Pellón R, Reyes Miranda D, Rodríguez Mesa Y, Cisneros Reyna CH, Pérez Véliz A. Historical Evolution of English for Specific Purposes in the Postgraduate training of the dental graduate. Educación Médica Superior [Internet]. 2024 Oct. 29 [cited 2025 Mar. 13];38. Available from: https://ems.sld.cu/index.php/ems/article/view/4412



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