Values formation in medical sciences students through the active COVID-19 screening
COVID-19, active screening, values formation, students.Abstract
Introduction: The results are presented of a research carried out in students from the University of Medical Sciences of Camagüey who were involved in the active COVID-19 screening in eight health areas of Camagüey Municipality.
Objective: To determine the influence of active COVID-19 screening on the formation of values in students from the University of Medical Sciences of Camagüey.
Methods: A survey was elaborated and applied to 416 intentionally selected students of medical sciences. The experience obtained in the active COVID-19 screening was assessed, as well as its influence in the students’ performance as future health professionals, the human values strengthened in the task and the main tendencies that influenced such values formation.
Results: In the sample studied, the female sex and the medical school were more representative. 82 % percent of the surveyed students recognized the importance of active screening for their performance as future health professionals. Responsibility was the value that was most strengthened, while the acquisition of new knowledge and skills was the tendency to stand out in more than 45 % of the respondents.
Conclusions: Values formation from active COVID-19 screening has represented an effective experience in the comprehensive development of medical sciences students in Camagüey, since it has made it possible to confront the epidemic; in addition, it has allowed them to develop skills, as well as human and professional values of great importance for their future.
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