Didactic Considerations about the Non–Face-to-Face Modality in Universities
components, contextualization, non–face-to-face, university professor preparation, teaching-learning process.Abstract
Introduction: Within the teaching-learning process, the non–face-to-face modality was increased as a response to the conditions created by COVID-19, but without the necessary preparation and experience for professors to implement it.
Objective: To propose some didactic considerations that contribute to the professor’s adequate management of the components of the teaching-learning process in the implementation of the non–face-to-face modality.
Authors' position: The successful implementation of any variant of the non-face-to-face modality will depend on the professor's preparation, particularly in didactics, when assuming information and communication technologies as teaching means in the mission of making their students learn.
Conclusions: Within the teaching-learning process, the non–face-to-face condition is considered a viable alternative in pandemic, or other equivalent, circumstances; it should be a complementary modality in the post–COVID-19 stage. Thus, professors will have to rethink the process focusing on all its components, within a digital context that has no turning back.
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