Inverted Classroom and Virtual Classroom in the Training of Higher-Degree Associates in Clinical Neurophysiology
inverted classroom, virtual classroom, higher-degree associate in clinical neurophysiology, virtual medical education.Abstract
Introduction: In medical sciences, there are several pieces of research associated with the virtual modality, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. However, in the field of clinical neurophysiology, few experiences have been described.
Objective: To describe the outcomes of virtually developing the subjects History of Neuroscience and Neurophysiology in Cuba and Introduction to the Methodology of Scientific Research, by means of the inverted classroom and the virtual classroom in the training of higher-degree associates in clinical neurophysiology in Havana.
Methods: A descriptive, cross-sectional and nonexperimental study was carried out. The subjects were adapted to the virtual modality by applying a model consisting of four phases: preparation, analysis and design, development and implementation, and evaluation.
Results: The faculty was trained in virtual education. Didactic strategies were designed for the virtualization of the teaching-learning process, through the application of the inverted classroom and the virtual classroom. In the evaluation phase, high values were obtained when calculating the promotion and quality indicators, and a student survey was applied. For both subjects, high satisfaction values predominated in the survey criteria, except for evaluations forms and distribution of time for learning, with higher values of the medium satisfaction.
Conclusions: The outcomes obtained in the transition to the virtual modality complied with the objectives set in the syllabus of the subjects, making possible non–face-to-face teaching by means of the inverted classroom and the virtual classroom.
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