Civic Formation in the Medicine Major: an Approach to the current status
civic formation, education, medical education.Abstract
Introduction: Contemporaneity demands updating, from the university institutions themselves, the methodology for the civic formation of future doctors, in complete coherence with traditional and current socializing actors, since their support and influence are decisive in the ways of being and acting of students.
Objective: To reflect on the civic formation within the Medicine major and the possibilities of transformation from the current conditions.
Authors’ Position: It is assumed that, in the current context, a participative civic training for medical students should be configured, proposed and encouraged, either from the community or the educational institution itself, based on research-action as a method for transforming this reality, being an ideal place for cultural and civic training through interaction and socialization of experiences. A necessity in current times is to act accordingly.
Conclusions: Universities of medical sciences are the training institutions that need constant renovation in terms of teaching methods and procedures focused on the civic formation of their students, which means a challenge for professors and officials. The organic incorporation of students into the different substantive processes developed at the university institution is a current need, taking participative action-research as a reference.
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