The Socioconstructivist Approach for the Teaching Process in the Training Conditions of COVID-19
socioconstructivist didactic approach, training process, COVID-19.Abstract
Introduction: The current condition marked by the Covid 19 require graduating professionals who resolve with integrity, Independence and in a creative way, the problems that arise in the exercise of their work activity. Objective: To show, organically and in the context of the pandemic, the arguments regarding the importance of the socioconstructivist didactic approach focused on the development of logical-intellectual and professional skills. Development: A qualitative study was carried out on the socioconstructivist approach and the teaching process in the training conditions of COVID-19. A bibliographic review was carried out based on theoretical inquiries such as logical-historical analysis and documental analysis, with vast information that served as a source of knowledge about the professional training process demanded nowadays. A challenge is imposed on the training process and its main actors (professors and students), because the assimilation of contents by anybody who learns must be based on the development of the logical-professional skills included in the professional profile. This requires a teaching leadership for encouraging the development of theoretical-systemic, critical and creative thinking, closely related to values and to work ethics. Conclusions: The socioconstructivist didactic approach focused on the development of logical-intellectual and professional skills imposes a challenge to the training process and its main actors (teachers and students), due to the assimilation of contents by learners based on the development of logical-intellectual and professional skills, included in the professional profile.Downloads
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