An Educational Intervention with Medical Students about Post–COVID-19 Disabling Sequelae within their Public Health Course
postacute COVID-19 syndrome, student, intervention studies.Abstract
Introduction: In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, the disabling sequelae emerge, still to be measured, which will accompany the coming years. With respect to this issue, actions with a multidisciplinary approach should be targeted, in which public health and the educational system provide the knowledge and methodology for their confrontation.
Objective: To raise the level of knowledge about post–COVID-19 disabling sequelae in medical students.
Methods: A quasiexperimental study of educational intervention was carried out with fifth-year medical students from Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Camagüey, as part of the Public Health course, during the period April-May 2023. From the study universe of 23 students, a sample of 20 was selected. The following variables were studied: age groups, sex, level of knowledge about the epidemiology of post–COVID-19 disabling sequelae, classification by systems, identification, follow-up, treatment and overall level of knowledge about these.
Results: The group aged 21-25 years (50 %) and the female sex (65 %) predominated. The level of knowledge about the epidemiology of post–COVID-19 disabling sequelae increased between 5 % and 95%, while it reached 20 %-90% regarding the classification by systems. With respect to identification, follow-up and treatment, the level of sufficient knowledge was 15 %-75 %. The overall sufficient assessment moved from 5 % to 90 %.
Conclusions: The level of knowledge about post–COVID-19 disabling sequelae was managed to be raised in medical students. This will allow identifying, conducting and following up cases during education at work.
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