Theoretical-methodological conception in view of the formation of a model of action in comprehensive medical care from psychology
theoretical-methodological conception, formation, mode of action, comprehensive medical care, psychology.Abstract
Introduction: The recent curricular improvement of the medical major in Cuban higher education brings about the search for scientific alternatives that contribute to systematization of the training process for comprehensive medical care in essential healthcare services.
Objective: To present a theoretical-methodological conception for the formation of a mode of action in comprehensive medical care from the psychology discipline.
Methods: The research process followed a mixed or multimodal methodological approach, under a mixed sequential explanatory design, in which theoretical and empirical methods were integrated, as well as information analysis and data processing. This was developed, between September 2016 and January 2019, in the medical major of Villa Clara University of Medical Sciences, and covered the moments of exploration, design and assessment of the proposed scientific result.
Results: It was possible to define the scientific connotation of the proposed theoretical-methodological conception, in response to the formal structure for the formation of a mode of action in comprehensive medical care and the logical way of its link with the psychology discipline.
Conclusions: It was established that a theoretical-methodological conception for the formation of a mode of action in comprehensive medical care from the psychology discipline must integrate, into its structure, the general foundations that support its internal logic, as well as the theoretical-conceptual and methodological-instrumental components that define its organization and practical implementation.
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