Moulage in Clinical Simulation: A Systematic Review
moulage, clinical simulation, medical education, history of moulage, systematic review.Abstract
Introduction: Moulage is a clinical simulation technique that has experienced a renaissance in the 21st century in medical education due to its ability to accurately reproduce models of injuries and medical conditions.
Objectives: To systematize the history and evolution of the use of moulage in clinical simulation and to evaluate its effectiveness in the context of medical education.
Methods: A systematic review was conducted following the PRISMA guidelines in PubMed and Scopus databases. The terms “moulage”, “definition” and “history” were combined initially, and then with “Clinical Simulation” and “Medical Education”. Two hundred seventy articles were obtained from PubMed and 410 from Scopus, and inclusion and exclusion criteria were applied. Twenty relevant articles were selected for the review.
Results: Moulage is an important technique in clinical simulation and healthcare learning, as an essential tool for medical education, allowing the creation of models that accurately simulate injuries and medical conditions. It outperforms traditional teaching methods by improving recognition and retention of medical information, supporting its usefulness in the training of healthcare professionals. Currently, it continues to evolve with the incorporation of technologies such as 3D printing, which expands its capacity to represent complex pathologies and support surgical planning and its application in interprofessional scenarios.
Conclusions: As clinical simulation gains relevance, moulage is consolidated as an essential tool that improves the training of healthcare professionals.
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