The Master’s Degree in Research Training’s Impact on its Graduates, Analyzed through their Publications



research performance, master’s degree, impact assessment, research training.


Introduction: The master's degree in Atherosclerosis Research is an academic proposal to raise the quality of health training based on research methods and atherosclerosis. To assess the impact of scientific training will show the cause-effect relationship between improvement action and performance behavior. There are measurement criteria that serve to this purpose. This work used the publication of scientific articles.Objective: To assess the impact of the master's degree through the effect produced on the research performance of graduates, through their publications in scientific journals.Methods: A descriptive and retrospective bibliometric study was carried out, searching, in Google Scholar, for publications by students from three editions. The assessed research performance criterion was the number of published articles. Publications of scientific articles were measured in terms of quantity, quality and length, in two stages; they were compared to measure impact.Results: Original articles and bibliographic reviews increased significantly in the second stage. More productive and more cited leading graduates were identified; more articles were published in group I journals. The keywords were related to atherosclerosis; different types of collaboration were found.Conclusions: The increase in publications, especially scientific articles with higher leadership and collaboration in recent years, as well as in citations and the predominance of representativeness in international databases, evidenced productivity, visibility and impact of the scientific activity.

Author Biographies

Elsa Ramona Regalado Miranda, Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de la Habana; Centro de Investigaciones y Referencias de Aterosclerosis de la Habana (CIRAH)


Marlene Ferrer Arrocha, Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de la Habana; Centro de Investigaciones y Referencias de Aterosclerosis de la Habana (CIRAH)


Maylín Isabel Martínez Alonso, Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de la Habana; Centro de Investigaciones y Referencias de Aterosclerosis de la Habana (CIRAH)


Miriam Katriuska Castro Ortega, Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de la Habana; Centro de Investigaciones y Referencias de Aterosclerosis de la Habana (CIRAH)






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